This stop headache tea helps stop headaches and release the stress.

This tea stops headaches, dispels “wind-heat”, that additionally helps you calm yourself, and stimulates yang energy.

1. 20g Bo He Herba Menthae ( 40g for fresh one )
2. 20g Ginger
3. 10g Brown Sugar (or your favorite for sweet )

1. Combine ginger and brown sugar in a pot.
2. Add 1.5 liters of water.
3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a low simmer.
4. Cook for 30 minutes.
5. Add peppermint.
6. Continue cooking for 5 minutes.
7. Strain it.
8. Serve hot, this tea could substitute for coffee.
9. Take it as much as you like.

This tea stops headaches, dispels “wind-heat”, which also helps you calm yourself, and stimulates yang energy.